Karate Classes

Martial arts are an ancient method of training your mind, body and spirit, the most obvious reason why you should learn martial arts is that it teaches you how to defend yourself. Also help instill mental focus in the child, giving her the ability to concentrate on a task and see it through to its conclusion. You also develop coordination and balance. Feel better physically as the body becomes stronger and more capable.

Martial arts are all about respect. Punching, kicking, throwing, and locking are all secondary to the respect that is shown form the moment you walk into a Dojo. They also learn to treat other students as they wish to be treated. martial arts instructors press upon the respect issue regularly and instruct students to practice respect for self, parents, teachers, and peers at every opportunity. A child who is involved in martial arts is generally a child who is confident in herself. Working through a martial art and the belt ranking system gives a child measurable goals to follow that are realistic to attain.

+Physical Fitness
+Self Defense
+Bully Prevention.
+Full Workout
+Relieve Stress
+Lose Weight

Our Location

Hours: 8.00 am to 7:00 pm
Address: 4180 SW 74th Ct Miami FL 33155

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